08 Sep


40 IS THE NEW 21 

A journey long to travel

but the trek has just begun

you see I just found out 

that 40 is the new 21 

and it feels like up to now so far

was just a practice run

my youth is re-invented

40 is the new 21

dodged bailiffs, plagues and bullets

peered thru the barrel of a gun

they didn’t say it likely

i’d see 40 is the new 21

a 1000 loves a lifetime

a million nights of fun

point me to the sign that says

40 is the new 21 

held friends and lovers dying

felt heartbreak in the sun

one of and endless number

40 is the new 21 

i walk the Earth with wonder

my arrow always strung

i’m aiming for the bullseye

40 is the new 21 

my soul is surely ancient

but my heart forever young

the colt is now a stallion

40 is the new 21 

my music and my garden

and my lovers all are one

i’m pleased as fucking punch you know

coz 40 is the new 21 

rich is the new poor

smart is the new dumb

white is the new black

and 40 is the new 21 

how to say I love you?

Ana behabek’s one

und ich liebe dich

40 is the new 21 

the cake is there before me

and I’m through with nibbling crumbs

at last I know my worth

40 is the new 21

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