27 Mar



I saw another part, another face, 

another side of you

a place you hid so well, 

a place I never knew was true

and in so doiing both us were violated

but not so much to make our space vacated

A secret only yours to know

and in so seeing, hurt myself 

in the way in which you never wanted to 

you thought it best that no-one see

for there lay all your vulnerability

the privacy

that only you should be

So I hurt you as much as you hurt me

I hurt because I could not imagine

you had disbelief in my intention

in my endless attention

to everything you might require of me

I hurt because you could yet not trust

in all that lay beyond lust

I was still stead fast

There to last

Without a fear

that you could doubt my heart was always yours and no-ones’ else

I hurt because I also knew 

perhaps you could yet not return

what for me was always true

but there were other needs inside of you

and all you had to say was what they were

and without question I’d defer 

without doubt

to see what its about

and nothing else could ever reach

as deep or would impeach

upon the truth of us

I forgive because it was not for me to know

until such time as you thought so

until such time as your were calmed

and knew your needs would do no harm

to self or thus to me

I forgive and know you do the same

You know I have no need to create shame

in either of our hearts or souls

as the love we have will overflow

through time and space

as it did 

when first I saw your face

I have no need for worry

there is no need for sorry

the love we have does overflow

through time and space

as it did 

when first I saw your face

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